树木和人 / Trees and People, 2017

Antje Majewski’s film 树木和人 / Bäume und Menschen / Trees and People was filmed in the Guangdong region in China, and tells the story of complex relationships between people and trees. Old and very large trees such as the Ficus microcarpa are considered being connected to a god. It collects stories of spiritual attachments, of “contracts” with the tree, which serves as a “foster parent.” At the same time, the villagers’ main source of income comes from working with wood in a strictly utilitarian sense. Since the area around Yang Wu Sha has been turned into a nature reserve, wood is now imported from all over the globe to be turned into door knobs, mobile phone stands or toys—only to be exported back into the world. Acknowledgment of a tree as another living being with a spirit is replaced by an estranged capitalist relationship to wood as a mere material.

4 K Video, color, sound, single channel, 2018
安天作品 / A film by Antje Majewski
许桂容 Xu Guirong
女孩 / Girl
父亲 / Father
杨柏林 Yang Bolin
杨伟雄 Yang Weixiong
杨伟明 Yang Weiming
王历文 Wang Liwen
许桂容 Xu Guirong
许友杰 Xu Youjie
徐淑贤 Xu Shuxian
相机,声音,编辑/Camera, sound, editing: 安天 Antje Majewski
字幕/ Subtitles: Monika Karczmarcyk
翻译/Translations: 周霄鹏 Zhou Xiaopeng, Antje Majewski, Felisha Bahadur
鸣谢/Thank you: 徐淑贤 Xu Shuxian, 徐坦 Xu Tan, 陆玲 Lu Ling, Aleksandra Jach, Melanie Roumiguière da Silva, Ina Dinter, 站当代艺术博物馆制作/ Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwartskunst