Antje Majewski & Juliane Solmsdorf: Strommann, 2012

Strommann was a performance conceived together with Juliane Solmsdorf, for an outdoor sculpture exhibition at Strombad Kritzendorf near the river Danube.

The production money was mostly spent on a wonderful picknick for us and the audience, a bit further down the river, where we found beautful trees.  After the meal, we asked all that considered themselves females to go and pick wild flowers in the surrounding woods. They were allowed to only pick two of each type of flower. With the collected flowers, we adorned a rubber tyre. A performer covered himself in mud and was carried of us all together to the river, where he was left to float. He floated about 10 minutes down the river and finally stranded near Strombad Kritzendorf.

The final sculpture consisted of the tyre with the flowers and an anchor.

It was a sort of summer ritual loosely based on traditions from the Sorbs, a minority between Germany and Poland. An offering of a man to the river godess of the Danube.


Antje Majewski & Juliane Solmsdorf: Strommann, 2012
HD Video, color, sound, single channel projection, 2.40 min, 2012
Performer: Michael Strasser
Direction: Antje Majewski
Produced by: Skulpturenpark Kritzendorf
Curators: Magda Thotova, Veronika Hauer
Thank you: Veronika Hauer, Magda Thotova, Michael Strasser, Mirela Baciak, Kamilla, Olivier Guesselé-Garai, Lisa Ruyter, Dirk Peuker, Bettina Nürnberg